I appreciate you sharing your thoughts on this article.
Are you being too harsh?
I don’t think you are, I believe everyone is entitled to an opinion. And the Medium experience can be different for individuals depending on your following and interests.
And I have heard some ML practitioners comment on the number of articles that state ‘obvious’ advice or listicles. I could even be guilty of writing short, straight forward articles.
There are thousands of readers on Medium and as an active Medium writer I create content for various ML practitioners. I write ‘what to do’ articles that are focused on beginners, I also write research paper summaries and technical articles for more practical readers. And I’ve written tons of article on my MSc and professional experience.
You are very correct in stating that providing real insights and experience related to the ML/CV field is valuable. This is something I will take on board and do more of.
I appreciate the comments and feedback.